Just had call to say hubby is terminal.


Just had call to say hubby is terminal.

Hubby is at hostipal a couple of hours away , difficult to get there etc. I have no family / friends here or nearby for support , feelling very down and emotional.Social worker from hospital called and we talked , I gave her information etc Hoping that hubby can be transferred back here so myself and family can spend some time together.We have a few things happening at same time so very hard time . such a shock to get the news that he is terminal . 


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Cancer Council Team

Re: Just had call to say hubby is terminal.

Hello Jennyc355

I am really sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis, I would like to send you a virtual hug to let you know you are not alone. I hope your husband could be transferred to a hospital closer to you.

If you are an Australian resident, please call our support line on 131120 to talk to one of our health care professional, and find out if any of our services is suitable for you.


Warm regards


Cancer Council 

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Re: Just had call to say hubby is terminal.

Sorry Jenny. Hoping for postive treatment results for him.

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