Sad and lost

Occasional Contributor

Sad and lost

Hi. My name is Marley and my husband has stage 3 non small cell lung cancer. He is not coping very well and sits all day with his head in his hands. He won't talk about it to me . He is having Chemo and Immunotherapy. Doctor says no cure, just more time. He gets out of breath very quickly and can't do anything anymore. I feel really sad that I can't help him. I just wanted to write it down and get it off my chest. I don't know what to expect in the coming weeks, but I will have to take it as it comes.

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Regular Contributor

Re: Sad and lost

Hi Marley, so sorry for this horrible diagnosis for your husband. I understand his grief and fear. Maybe he could talk to someone other than you? I know you just want to help him.  Just do what you can for him.  Ask him what he needs from you maybe. My husband was my support person when I had cancer and he was amazing. I think it’s hard for some men to open up about their feelings. I hope you have some support for you too. Love and prayers to you both🙏💕 Linda 

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Sad and lost

Thankyou for your kind words Linda. I will be there for him and no matter what. Sometimes we don't need words. A gentle hand on his shoulder says a lot. It would be nice if he would share his feelings with me, maybe as time goes on he may open up. It's just hard to be so helpless and I just wanted to talk about it to people who have been there. Thanks again for your reply 

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