Looking to see how other carers cope.

Occasional Contributor

Looking to see how other carers cope.

Hi there my husband has Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. He is very fatigued and is on steroids, that make him very upset. I am finding it hard to deal with emotionally as I dont not want to bother family and friends with how I feel. I almost feel selfish with how I feel and very isolated from friends and family. I was wondering if any other carers may feel the same way? Janey
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Re: Looking to see how other carers cope.

Hi Janey, my husband had chemotherapy for NHL in 2011. I remember feeling very isolated too, as the person I normally turned to for support is the one I was supporting (I remember sometimes feeling like a single mother- and we don't even have kids!). I think also many people (friends and family) forget that the carer needs support too. It's a really hard situation, but I can tell you that you're not alone in feeling this way. love and hugs, Emily
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Looking to see how other carers cope.

Hi Janey Are you able to contact the Cancer Council and ask for some counselling to help you. We did that and the Counsellor that they assigned to us was brilliant and really helped us get through and I'm sure will be some benefit for you as well. The Cancer Council provides 6 sessions for free and are absolutely wonderful.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Looking to see how other carers cope.

Thank you Emily. This site has been so helpful. When I put the message on the blog I thought maybe this was a bad idea but knowing that people like you respond and offer advice is so reassuring. Just reading the blogs makes me feel like carers need support too. Thank you.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Looking to see how other carers cope.

Thank you Jodii.
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