Mental damage after Mastectomy.

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Mental damage after Mastectomy.

My Wife of over sixty years has developed medically diagnosed diminished mental capacity after mastectomy surgery. I have researched all possible causes, and it appears people, when reaching old age, the possibility of brain damage from deep anaesthesia is probable. I would like to see if other people are suffering from this situation. Then maybe some other type of anaesthetic system could be used to prevent the terrible result of brain damage. My beautiful wife, who I love dearly, is slowly losing her memory.

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Re: Mental damage after Mastectomy.

Hi Joh38, I am so sorry for what’s happened to your precious wife. When my mum was very unwell she had to have anaesthetic and we never had a proper conversation with her again. Her words were completely jumbled and it was so distressing for us all. She died a few days later. She was in her 80’s   The anaesthetic didn’t cause her death but it did something to her brain for sure. It was a terrible time. Sending you prayers and love for you both🙏💕 LindaG

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