New Chapter

Occasional Contributor

New Chapter

Hi All, I have to start a new chapter in my life. My Daddy passed away this past Tuesday Aug 3rd. He fought a long battle but it has now come to an end. His pain and suffering is now gone. He is at peace now. I feel a sense of relief for him. He did not deserve what this horrible disease brought to him. It was hard to see him in the end but I wanted to make sure that he was not in pain anymore. I don't think I've fully realized the fact that he is gone yet because I have been on the go and very exhausted. And not sleeping very much. But when I do sleep I'm in a very deep sleep. I know your watching me Daddy. Please give me the strength and I hope you stay proud of me. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I love you. Kat =(
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Re: New Chapter

Hi KatDoe I am sorry to hear about your father. It is so difficult in the early days after someone has passed and especially so if they have been ill. I found when my father died that i had a lot of mixed emotions. I was sad and missed him a lot and yet i couldn't have wished him back the way he was. I used to find myself bouncing around between those two thought patterns quite a lot in the early days. I am sure your Dad will stay proud of you! Take care of you. Julie xo
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Occasional Contributor

Re: New Chapter

Hi Julie, Thank you for your thoughtful words. I feel exactly how you described it. I love him and miss him more then anything...I wish I could still talk to him and get a response back. But at the time I'm glad he is not suffering anymore. He is at rest. I just hope I can cope with him not being here. Kat =(
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