Preparing for the worst news. - new diagnosis

Occasional Contributor

Re: Preparing for the worst news. - new diagnosis

Hello , I write this at 7.15 a.m waiting for patient transport to take me to my first chemo ever. I am a chemo virgin. Three hours of high dosage expected today followed by dose 2 of radiation. To say I am nervous is an understatement. However now I am in treatment stage I am sitting back for the ride. Good luck with your ride , I'm sure it will go well.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Preparing for the worst news. - new diagnosis

Good luck to you both. My dad coped very well with chemo until round 5. Then his nausea gradually became worse but was manageable with the correct anti nausea regime after each iv. His radiation was a little tougher but he had treatments 10 days in a row, radiation however worked wonderfully on the treated areas and relieved a lot of pain rather quickly. Please don't rely on the blood tests as indicators to whether the treatments are working as the results can be misleading. Dad had stage 4 metastatic oesophageical cancer.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Preparing for the worst news. - new diagnosis

Hope it wasn't too horrible - sending good thoughts your way
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