Wife has breast cancer


Wife has breast cancer



My wife has recently been diagnosed with an aggressive stage 2 breast cancer with lymph node involvement. She’s quite young at 34 and it’s all been a shock for the both of us. Am hoping people can share some tips for adjusting to the new norm of constant scans, appointments,  treatment, anxiety? Life was so simple until a month  ago and it’s now hard to see a way forward and it seems that moving forward even when treatment is over it’s not ever really over at all. 

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Re: Wife has breast cancer

Greetings MikeB and Welcome to our forums,


I am sorry to hear about your wife truly, everyone here understands the pain that you are going through. It is easy to get overwhelmed with everything, especially if everything is heading at you, all at once. I find that writing all the information down, appointments or any questions might have in an diary, to be very helpful to you and help ease the stress a little bit of everyday life.


Plus remember to always reach out to people as it's important to remember your feelings as well. You always have friends here and please do keep us updated.

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