


We broke up - I have deleted this text so she won't ever find it.

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Occasional Contributor

Re: I was about to break up with my girlfriend and I just found out she might have cancer



I am surprised and disappointed that no one has replied to you before with compassion and empathy. 


Having lived through a brain tumour and surgery myself I acknowledge that my behaviour was affected and I only processed the odds of a shortened life without facing certain death.  I had to acknowledge to myself and my family that my behaviour was hard on them.  I imagine the cancer has affected your partner's behaviour just as mine was affected and I am CERTAIN  that cancer and uncertainty and fear have affected my husband's emotional regulation...


BUT you are human too and I affirm and applaud your honesty,  your willingness to consider what is right and compassionate and most helpful.  I know the world needs more givers like you.  


I am sure you made your mistakes in the relationship but you still want to give what you can and setting boundaries is best for everyone involved.  


I have experienced already how easily people show compassion to the cancer sufferer but how much less support there is for their carers.  


I cheer you on with doing the best you can with what you know,  for forgiving yourself and your partner whatever comes next.  it is OK to be human.  


I can offer love and prayers 

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