how to help the heartbreak

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how to help the heartbreak

My friends in so much pain from his loss, I am lost as to what i can do.. we live so far away and I can't comfort him with a hug.
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Re: how to help the heartbreak

Im not sure what you can do, i lost my mum when i was 13 and we lived in a remote area, i found that people just ringing to show they care and ask how you are is enough when you are a long distance away. Just dont forget about your friend in six months time, at the beginning when the loss is new everyone seems to rally around and try to be there for the person etc and then they think they are doing ok and people dont mean to but everyone seems to get on with life and its happenings and thats when the person is probably needing you the most when everything has settled down. Maybe invite him to you for a little break away or offer to go and stay if you think thats what he needs and you are able to? I hope you are coping ok with the loss aswell. All the very best Stace
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