too much anger?

Occasional Contributor

too much anger?

Hi I was just wondering if I am the only one who struggles with being angry? maybe because my husband has started to get really sick which makes it all real? also cancer has taken so much away from our family already & it just keeps stopping us doing stuff with our lives. i'd love to know how other people coped with anger if they had it. thanks.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: too much anger?

How do you measure 'too much anger?' I just know that anger begins to draw itself up from my stomach into my consciousness and when I'm finally aware of it, I acknowledge it, befriend it and say :ok, I've heard you. The destruction begins on myself when I don't acknowledge my anger and project it onto someone else. So my thinking is: there is a place for anger in this crappy journey, when you don't find or have the answers to the questions.
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