Gbm grade 4 brain tumour

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Re: Gbm grade 4 brain tumour

I just wanted to let you know that I take great strength from reading your message. My love to you and your family. We've been married for six years & have 3 beautiful children. I cherish the time we have with him but trying to be hopeful as he seems so well. He's had 2 surgeries and works now from home. It has come as a great shock. xx katya
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Re: Gbm grade 4 brain tumour

Melissa I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad. I absolutely love your comment: 'He held me and watched me take my first breath in life.....and I held him when he took his last' That is beautiful and I have never looked at it like that. I held my partners hand as he drew his last breath and would never change it for the world, but your words brought a smile to my face. A smile that rarely shows. So Thank you and thankyou for sharing your journey. I lost my partner to a GBM4 on 8 May 2011.
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