Mums cancer count increased from 36 to 100 in 8 weeks

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Mums cancer count increased from 36 to 100 in 8 weeks

Hi all,

My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2015, and had progressed into her bones also. 

Shes been living with my partner and I ever since the diagnosis.

Her cancer count results have just come back after 8 weeks and have jumped from 36 to 100. Does this mean the cancer is now going to continue to progress rapidly? Or do these things sometimes happen?

...I'm still shocked and shaken everyday by the fact my mum even has cancer. 

If anyone out there could please provide me with some answers I'd appreciate it greatly.


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Re: Mums cancer count increased from 36 to 100 in 8 weeks

Hi @Stephanie 

Wondering how things are going for you and your mum.  It is a huge shock for family members and the person diagnosed. There's an awful lot to get your heads around.  Are you guys aware of the support through Breast Cancer Network Australia?  Here's a link that could be helpful for her:


You might also be interested in the Cancer Council telephone support groups (TSG) which are open to Carers and women with Breast Cancer.  The TSG provides an opportunity to regularly talk with others in a similar situation so that experiences, information and coping strategies are shared.  For more information please phone:  1300 755 632 (messages can be left) or you could reply to this email and include your contact number and we can call you.

Take care

Gab (Online Community team member at Cancer Council)


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