Question about lymphoma symptoms

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Re: Question about lymphoma symptoms

Please don’t spread Misinformation. I was diagnosed with stage 4 follicular lymphoma after a year of doctors telling me I was fine because my blood counts were perfect. You know your body. I had a 6x6 inch mass in my abdomen, swollen inguinal, cervical, axillary, mesenteric, etc and in my bone marrow. By white blood cells counts were perfect. My LDH perfect. Please don’t tell people their counts will reflect their health

New Contributor

Re: Question about lymphoma symptoms

Hello, I want to let you know that itchy skin is one of the symptoms of lymphoma. I suggest You should consult a doctor for exact information about your cause.

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New Contributor

Re: Question about lymphoma symptoms

How did you find out you had lymphoma despite your clear blood tests? Thank you for sharing 

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New Contributor

Re: Question about lymphoma symptoms

How did they find it despite your clear blood tests? I am having some skin issues and I fear the same thing may be happening… that they think I’m fine but I’m not.
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New Member

Re: Question about lymphoma symptoms

My Lichen condition seemed to have started in 2017. I now have Lichen on my scalp, face, back, vulva, chest, and in my mouth. The parches of itchy skin can be fine and then all of a sudden cause intense itching. At the same time Lichen began, I experienced intense feelings of active “nerves” (tingling) under my left shoulder blade. My dermatologist had a name for the shoulder blade issue and prescribed Gabapentin for sleep because at that time it was keeping me awake. This all seemed to start with a flu vaccination.

The condition I’m keeping under control with various meds. Lately, I accidentally applied retin A to my vulva, thinking the tube contained clobetasol, and IT HELPED! Looked this up online and yes, retinoids ARE prescribed for this condition! So, I will consult my dermatologist about obtaining an rx. As a matter of fact, retinal A applied in rather large amounts has helped patches of it on my back and other places. In the pictures used for the article, I notice areas of rash look a bit purplish and wonder if hers could be same as mine for purplish spots is a term used to help classify lichen.

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New Contributor

Re: Question about lymphoma symptoms

I am sorry you went through all this. How did they find the mass in your abdomen?

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New Member

Re: Question about lymphoma symptoms

So true about the normal labs with cancer diagnosis. The story of my life. Just about every ailment I’ve had has begun and progressed in a non traditional way- e.g. had completely normal labs with gallstones that were so prolific my gallbladder almost burst. Symptoms I had prior to that were brushed off as GERD/reflux and IBS/IBD.

Listen to your body and press your Dr to do tests even if your labs are “fine.” Keep complaining about whatever it is that’s the issue. Someone is bound to get to it hopefully sooner than later. Educate yourself too. Drs loathe the self educated patient, but if you know how to talk to your dr w/o offending his fragile ego (rolling eyes), he might just listen and learn something new!
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Occasional Visitor

Re: Question about lymphoma symptoms

This could not be further from the truth!! My husband has always had normal labs and he was diagnosed with follicular non Hodgkin’s lymphoma with cutaneous involvement not everyone has text book symptoms so to say you are confident that they don’t need to worry about Lymphoma is very ill advised 

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New Member

Re: Question about lymphoma symptoms

Hi Dear, 


I've been facing exactly same symptoms from last week... Could you please advise how you solved this. is it something serious?  


Doctor wasn't able to diagnose what is exactly issue.   

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New Member

Re: Question about lymphoma symptoms

You are so wrong and you are spreading misinformation. I’ve only registered to reply to your post to spread awareness. 
I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma stage 4b in 2021 my blood tests were perfectly fine. 
also my aunt passed away from leukaemia. She had regular blood tests. Her blood counts were all good until it was too late. 

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