Got rough time for really bad

Occasional Contributor

Got rough time for really bad

Saw my Breast Cancer Specialist today & he said I looked the best since started over a year ago.  Showed off my free breast enlargement 🤣🤣 In 2 months  breast has has really grown got another lump under breast by nipple & lots orange peel. 

It shows much bigger even in clothes.  Will need it's own postcode soon.  He says now 3 to 6 months until really bad nice way of saying dying & if I do end up with needing kidney dialysis in a few months things will be much worse & if don't have dialysis downhill very quickly.  Feel relieved he has agreed with my inner thoughts.  We agreed I keep trying to enjoy life.  


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Cancer Council Team

Re: Got rough time for really bad

Hi MarieMc,

Thank you very much for sharing your experience with our online community.

Unfortunately this illness takes people in a constant rollercoaster, with a lot of ups and downs.

I noticed you are trying to see the good side if things under such difficult circumstances and I really commend you for this.

If you live in Australia and would like to talk to a professional, please call our information and support line on 13 11 20.


Best wishes


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