Cancer a result of COVID injections?

Occasional Contributor

Cancer a result of COVID injections?

Cancer doesn't run in my family and I have had no problems that led me to ADENOCARCINOMA.  What are your thoughts that getting the covid shots (which change DNA) may have caused this?


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Re: Cancer a result of COVID injections?

I wondered the same thing. I also have adenocarcinoma and  was diagnosed almost a year ago (2021) with stage 4 cancer.  I can't remember though which came first the very small persistent cough or the COVID jab. I actually think because I was under loads of stress at the time it supressed my immune function and allowed the cancer to take hold. 

Has your Dr done genetic testing on the cancer cells? Not everyone has a specific treatable mutation though, but it is one of the first things Docs try to find out.  Garvan Institute are still running MoST where they do genetic testing for free but they only give you one free shot at it so you have to make sure you have enough cancer cells for the sample. It is all overwhelming at the beginning but there is stacks of info on the Cancer Council site and Lung Foundation Australia offers free support groups for people to talk online (zoom) and also a peer support program where you are matched with another person and can talk to them privately on the telephone and also there are Australian lung cancer facebook groups out there for support. There are many of us out there.

Occasional Contributor

Re: Cancer a result of COVID injections?

No I haven't had genetic testing.  I only found out that they found 2 cancer cells in my pleurl fluid from last week.  I have a CT scan tomorrow (Fri) and am still waiting on cancer center to call me with my appt time.  Been waiting since Monday morning.   I just feel in my gut that those shots had something to do with this.  I only noticed breathlessness about the 2nd week of June this year.  Just retired June 1st.  Had a chest cold back this past winter but it cleared up on it's own.  Had those shots back in 2020.  You know that the medical field will never admit it if this is true.  Perhaps I signed my own death sentence by getting the shots and having them interact with my dna.


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New Contributor

Re: Cancer a result of COVID injections?

Thanks for your input, glad to know there are
Resources for this scary cancer. Hope you are well
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