Caring for my friend of 41 years with Metastatic Lung Cancer

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Caring for my friend of 41 years with Metastatic Lung Cancer

Hi everyone,  My best friend of 41 years was diagnosed with Lung Cancer 14 months ago and since then we have been on a long journey together, From misdiagnosis in the beginning, to finding spots on an x-ray, to the discovery of stage 3 lung cancer, to today where we have now been discharged from all oncology and radiotherapy, and we feel like we are out here on our own. 

Last session we were told weeks to months to live, and this was hard to hear, but no holy unexpected by myself, but still not easy for my friend who thought he might have another 2 plus years and beat the odds. I would love to hear from anyone else who might have or is going through the same experience, Cheers, Dannii.

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Caring for my friend of 41 years with Metastatic Lung Cancer

Hi @Dannii1965


I'm so sorry that you have received the very sad news that you're friend may have weeks or months to live. 


It is such a sad and challenging time. It sounds like you are a wonderful support to your friend. They are very lucky to have you. 


Perhaps another group member may be caring for a loved one in a similar experience and can share their perspective. 


If you live in Australia and would like to speak to someone for information and support please call Cancer Council on 13 11 20. 


Take Care, 


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