Diagnosed with cancer 2 months post partum

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Diagnosed with cancer 2 months post partum

I was diagnosed with Burkitt Lymphoma, an agressive non-Hodgkin b-cell lymphoma. Unfortunately my symptoms came just 4 weeks of the birth of my first child and my diagnosis came when she turned 2 months old. 
While the prognosis is fairly positive, I can’t help but feel terrified and sad that my daughter will grow up without her Mum. 
Not to mention only being 23 and planning my funeral, beneficiaries, all while staying positive for my family. 
It’s hard to be happy and I find myself snapping at loved ones. 
Any and all tips for how to mentally pull myself through this are welcome. 

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Re: Diagnosed with cancer 2 months post partum

Hi @jess18 

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!

I am so sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis and what a tough time to receive it.

You must feel that you are meant to be enjoying this time with your new family and now cancer has come to interrupt this.


To catch cancer early is a great thing. There should be treatment options.

Has a doctor discussed these with you?



Stay as physically active as you can.

I know that this is especially difficult as you have a new born.


Stay positive!


Hopefully in 12 months time this will all just be a bad dream 🙂


Take care.



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Re: Diagnosed with cancer 2 months post partum

Hi @sch 

thanks for the message! 
definitely got the mum guilt, but I know this short time away from her now, is to gain all the time later! 

it has been discussed. I’m already in treatment, though it’s inpatient, so I’m not able to live with my girl. 

it’s lovely to hear from someone and get advice!

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