Hi - I have just been diagnosed with Bowel Cancer

Occasional Contributor

Re: Hi - I have just been diagnosed with Bowel Cancer

Hi Leeanne I had Stage 3 bowel cancer 3 years ago. When diagnosed, my kids were aged 10 and 8. I was worried about how they would cope seeing me undergo treatment but they coped very well. We were open with them about what was happening to me and they took it in their stride. I was really proud of them. Kids are much tougher than us sometimes. I hope all goes well with your treatment. Try and rest as much as you can. Wishing you the best Stacey
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Hi - I have just been diagnosed with Bowel Cancer

Hi Stacey Glad to see you came out the other side OK. I finished work today and feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My mum is going to be with me when I go through radio/chemo which is great. She has a lovely way of calming me down. All the best to you and your family. In light and laughter Leeanne
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