I am to have a Peritonectomy

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Re: I am to have a Peritonectomy

Hi Louiseturns50

Gee you have had a massive surgery ,that it’s good that’s your physical recovery is ok,it’s really understandable that your emotional recovery is very difficult it’s only been seven weeks since surgery,and you are getting mixed messages from your Medical team ,try and get a very thorough explanation of what you are facing,I remember my thoughts and doubts after my surgery especially when I was told they couldn’t get it all,it is normal to have those feelings ,fears and doubts of the unknown and the future,I remember speaking to a doctor about them,I eventually became reasonably comfortable with the future.I try to ignore what if’s in life.

We are all different how we handle these situations,nothing in life prepares us for this,don’t be too hard on yourself it is still early days in your mental recovery.


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Re: I am to have a Peritonectomy

Hi ToughChick,


My sister has found herself in a very similar situation to you. Just wondering if you would be at all up for a chat?

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Occasional Contributor

Re: I am to have a Peritonectomy

Hi Drizzabone, 

Sorry to hear about your sister. That’s hard. 😞


Yes I’m free for a chat. I’m up north on holidays at the moment. We get back on Sunday. So I could chat next week? Let me check in what days I’m working next week. And I’ll contact u Sunday & let u know what day I can talk. Does that work?


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Re: I am to have a Peritonectomy

Thanks Ginni, 


I would appreciate that very much 🙂 I can definitely call you when you find out you're free otherwise I'm based in the inner west if you're up for a catch-up in person.


May I please ask one question before then as we're in quite a desperate situation. Following a laparoscopy with biopsy last week results have come back inconclusive so they don't know what cancer they're dealing with so are unable to suggest chemo options (they initially suspected it originated from the appendix). All the while the ascities and cancer is making her increasingly uncomfortable and have difficulty eating. Was ascities an issue for you and would you have any tips to manage? My sister is at RPAH but we're contemplating getting her transferred to St George Hospital so Professor Morris can keep an eye on her. 

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Occasional Contributor

Re: I am to have a Peritonectomy

Hi Drizzabone


Great strategy to get a consult with Prof Morris. He is clinically the best that the southern hemisphere can offer in abdominal type cancers especially appendix. His manner is quite abrupt but he really is the best. 

With the ascities, yes I had this badly. Thou I had it after my peritonectomy. I had my big op, then started  chemo 6 weeks later. The ascities really built up after my 1st chemo session. My oncologist organised an ultrasound where they could diagnose & confirm that my pain/discomfort was due to ascities. Then I had a small procedure at the hospital to have a abdo drain inserted to drain the fluid build up. This was done under local anaesthetic & I was only in hospital for the day. They drained almost 3litres of fluid. I then went home with that drain which continued to drain the fluid. 

So if your sis is really uncomfortable, then best to agitate and request to be seen & assessed. So that action can be taken. Ascities is awful but it’s common and it’s easy to treat with a tummy drain. 

Im East side so I’m happy to chat more when I’m home or answer any questions via here in the interim. 


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Re: I am to have a Peritonectomy

You are amazing Ginni. 


Thank you for being so generous with your time which has provided us much support during such an uncertain and sensitive time for my family.

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