Hi JenWren Sounds like you've had a very long road in getting to the point where you are finally getting the treatment you require. It can be so exhausting getting the right diagnosis, cant it? What is your primary cancer in your tummy, if you dont mind me asking? Mine was appendix cancer which spread its merry way around the abdo area. I make a joke to my husband that the operation Peritonectomy is like a shop "Closing Down Sale - everything must go, everything is out the door!!" So anything in my peritonel area with cancer that wasnt critical for "active living" got removed. You asked about weight loss. Yes I have lost about 8 kg since my op end Nov. I wasnt heavy to start of with, so I am now 50kg and very skinny looking. I hate being this skinny - I feel like a real Bony Maloney! When I was in hospital, after the op - they had me on TPN - which stands for Total Patient Nutrition. Its basically a bag of liquid, high nutrition food, that went into a central line in my neck. This ensures for the few days after the op when I wasnt eating - I was still getting good nutrition. I suspect you might have this as well. However once the TPN came out, I had to eat for myself and thats when I lost most of my weight. You also asked about my ileostomy bag which I'm told is temporary. I start 6 months of chemo on Monday (which I am dreading). Once the chemo is finished they will reverse my ileostomy bag ie remove it and in a small op - reconnect my bowel. So hopefully by the 2nd half of 2018, I will be bag free. I find living with an ileostomy to be quite challenging. Its not so much changing and emptying the bag. I can get my head around that. Its more managing the output. So my ileostomy is proving to be super efficient. And any food I eat - and I'm eating a lot now - all the nutrients get passed too quickly into the bag. Meaning I'm not putting on weight which is frustrating - cos I'm eating well. I think I've turned the corner on this though after about 6 weeks of trial and error. I'm working with the Dietician and Stoma Therapist and I think now I'm slowly putting on a bit of weight, which is heading in the right direction. I'm wishing you lots of luck for your Laprascopy 1st Feb. That procedure will give a much clearer idea of what needs to be removed. Its great that you have faith and confidence in your Surgeon. Thats so important. I was the same. I knew that the surgeon I had, was very very good at what he does. Here's hoping after 1 Feb, you get a firm action plan and a date for surgery. That was one of the hardest parts for me. Knowing I needed surgery but waiting for the hospital to confirm a date. It was very stressful! Anyway, its 1 step at a time for you for now. And Laprascopy is all you need to focus on, right now. And dont hesitate to keep asking me any questions that crop up All the best ToughChick
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