I'm back ๐Ÿ˜„

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I'm back ๐Ÿ˜„

Hey friends 

I know I have been missing in action for awhile. 

I had to back away from all the cancer groups I belong to because of all the negatively and name calling. I never experienced in this group but decided that I would avoid all groups. 

Afew of you that are still here may remember when I just started learning what kind of cancer I had. 

Long story short. Just before Thanksgiving last year we found out I was cancer free. I'm going in soon for my 6 months PET  

A month after my last treatment I had to have a shoulder surgery. Its been a crazy year of health issues. I was able to work the entire time going through treatment. I really only missed 3 weeks during the 6 months. I got chemo on Thursday every 3 weeks. I took Fridays off to have 3 days to recover. 

My experience with having cancer has been rewarding .It has been nothing but a inconvenience for me . I never got very sick after chemo. I didn't even lose weight. 

When we were  told early that I may have Lymphoma I just asked God to comfort my family and make my cancer meaningful. I never prayed that He would heal me. I asked Him to let me be a positive role model for my grandchildren.  I prayed that no matter the outcome that my family would not question God about not saving me.

I can't say cancer sucks. I don't claim to be a cancer servicer or that I fought it and won.

I give all credit to God. 

Most people don't like he saying that I'm glad to have/had cancer . I understand why they don't. You would have to understand how much I trust God, love my family and life. 

I did have a few moments of weakness. I'm human. They only lasted a few minutes before remembering that I was trusting God's will .

My promise to God was no matter how this turns out I would lift Him up with praise. This is why I'm posting today. He has carried me through some difficult times and I trust that He will continue to...

I pray that you have a relationship with His son and find comfort during troubling time. 


Occasional Contributor

Re: I'm back ๐Ÿ˜„


Your post and faith in God was inspirational.

I wish you and yours all the best.

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Frequent Contributor

Re: I'm back ๐Ÿ˜„


you have been on a health journey, and like you my cancer journey and treatments has been pain free 

although I still believe cancer sucks 

your faith has been on your journey and I know prayers from afar have helped me 

my good wishes with you on your journey 

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