Just diagnosed

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Just diagnosed


I’m a 37 year old woman who just got told she has thyroid cancer and likely has for a while. I don’t think it’s really sunk in yet even though everyone from my doctor to my mom has told me that this is beatable and has a high survival rate. I just never thought I’d be in this situation And I can’t help but wonder if I somehow did this to myself without realizing it. I have to have surgery for total removal of my thyroid and I’m terrified at the prospect.

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Re: Just diagnosed

Me too. Just diagnosed today. Thyroid cancer. Feel lost. Hope you get the best treatment. 

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Re: Just diagnosed

I’m sorry to hear that. So far I’ve been in a daze because while it’s always a possibility in life, you don’t realize it will happen to you. And getting to this point has happened really quickly for me as well. Everyone is telling me to stay positive but I haven’t wrapped my head around it yet. I will however, pray and try to be positive for both of us. All the best.

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Re: Just diagnosed

Hello Purplegirl, 

I understand the fear , I had half my bowel removed last month and my 1st Chemo 5 days ago and a long journey ahead. All I can say is you take it day by day believe in the advice of the people who know what they are talking about. We play the hand we are dealt and make the best choices we can.

I like to be positive and also realistic, but sometimes I just fall apart into an inconsolable blithering heap with the fear of treatment... and on going treatment and the thought of potential outcomes. I think it is perfectly natural to feel all these mixed emotions given that we are in that elite group (cancer patients) .

My surgery went well, my 1st Chemo was not as bad as I thought . You do what you have to do to get through this, it might not be quite as bad as you expect. I wish you all the best and send you my love and a great big hug. 

Us girls are allowed to cry . 

New Contributor

Re: Just diagnosed

Hi Tippets,


thank you for messaging me and for your advice and sharing your story. You’re right, we are in a different group now and as much as I appreciate the support of my family and friends, I still feel very much alone in my diagnosis and some times I just start crying without warning. Taking it one day at a time does seem like the best and only way for me to deal with things right now. Like you I try to have a positive attitude but it’s so difficult sometimes especially with a lot of unknowns. I wish you all the best in your chemo and in your recovery. I will be praying for both of us. 

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