New and Nervous

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New and Nervous

I have just been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. I have read a lot about this as I have never heard of it before. Scary stuff. If there is anyone out there going on the same journey as me, or has already travelled this road I would love to chat to them. I have waiting on test results to determine what stage I am at, but given I have a fractured lower vertebrae (ouch!!!) have jad blood clots and other problems I guess I am on Stage 2.
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Re: New and Nervous

Hi Chalky, I was diagnosed with Myeloma 4 years ago and have just started readiation treatment for the pain from a tumour on my spine. It is excruciating and have to get pain under control before i start on the chemo road. However, I have had hyerpercalcemia, kidney failure, 2 bouts of pneumonia from the Myeloma and was told because I refused chemo up front that it is like putting out spot fires but it will develop into a bushfire eventually, if you can understand that analagy. Guess I am there now! Have had two lots of Zometa infusions and have an immunoglobulin infusion once a month which helps with infection due to suppressed immune system, hang in there, the waiting is awful I know. And feel free to chat if you would like.
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