Newly diagnosed

Occasional Visitor

Newly diagnosed

Hi I have just been diagnosed with oral cancer,scared doesnt even cover it right now,didn't know I could cry this much..I have my first appointment this coming tuesday in brisbane .I already have been told that I will have a part of my tongue removed,i live my life talking so this will be different ..can anyone please give me some advice on what lays ahead ,it would be great if i could connect with someone that has had this surgery done...stay strong and kick this thing.

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Newly diagnosed

Hi Karen123,

I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I just can't imagine what you are going through right now, and how scary it must be, with so much uncertainty right now.

Thanks for joining our community, other members will be able to share their experiences with you.

I would also like to suggest calling our support and information line on 131120 if you would like to talk to one of our lovely oncologist nurses for any clinical questions you may have.

Please refer to the link below to learn more about oral cancer, symptoms and treatment.



Best wishes


Cancer Council

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Newly diagnosed

Hi Karen


I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  You can call Cancer Council QLD, they have a Connect program, where they try to match people with volunteers who have gone through similar cancer diagnosis and treatment.  They have someone they could match you, they will also tell you about other services you can access.  The telephone number is 13 11 20.


I hope you get the help and support you need.




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New Contributor

Re: Newly diagnosed

Hi Karen, I don’t have oral cancer but can relate to the overwhelming feeling and the unknown. The initial shock takes awhile to set in. Thoughts and prayers are with you. 

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