Not Certain


Not Certain

My doctor just informed me I have abnormal cervical cells and that I have to travel 40 minutes away for a biopsy. I have no reliable transportation at this time, and with the coronavirus, I won't be scheduled for quite some time. I live in a very rural area, where there are no uber's or cab's. I'm also on a fixed income and can't afford to pay someone to take me. I also have no family. I called social services too, but had no luck there as well. Any ideas? I reside in the states. 

Frequent Contributor

Re: Not Certain

Hi Geena,


I live in Australia. Our system is quite different to yours in the U.S.


If I can make a suggestion, have you made contact with your ambulance service. In Australia, they provide a Patient Transfer service, maybe it’s the same there. Cost?

Another thought might be a local church. Retired parishioners are often too pleased to offer a hand up.


Geena, I really don’t know, and am clutching at straws. Please, please, please get to that appointment, it’s very important you get yourself sorted.


I will be thinking about you & hope everything is fine & benign. Please also keep this platform informed, we will all be interested.



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