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i'm 53 , fit and assumed healthy. i have just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. gleason score 7, psa 8. i'm concern about ed & if this is permanent ?
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Hi there Gong Traveller I had a Gleason 9 cancer and still have it fifteen years later. Gleason seven is considered, from my understanding, to be at the upper end of the probability of a good outcome. Make sure you get hold of the "Localised prostate cancer a guide for men and their families". If you urologist doesn;t have a copy, Google it and odwn load it. That will explain the options and the liklehood of you ending up with side effects. I had no side effects from my initial treatment, it was only following salvage treatment for a recurrence four years down the track that these occurred. Don;t be afraid to explore the options for different types of treatment. Don't be afraid to seek a second opinion. Ring the Helpine 13 11 20 and ask to talk with people from cancer connect who have had the different types of treatment available. Whatever you do, don't rush. Prostate cancer is slow growing and you can afford to take your time deciding what to do. Also ask about penile rehabilitation following treatment.\ if you have some initial ED. Cheers Sailor An incorrectly identified mark is a hazard, not an aid, to navigation. Alton B. Moody
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