Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour

New Contributor

Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour

Good afternoon! 

At the beginning of December, I was diagnosed with a Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour in my right lower calf (10cm) 

I am currently in the dreaded waiting stage. I was told I would have Surgery in Jan/Feb, then told within 90 days.. Now March 13th and still waiting.. the wait is agonising! And every thought is going through my head. (What if it’s spread? Is it anywhere else?) 
Has anyone else had surgery for this type? What was the recovery/further treatment like? 
Sending everyone positive thoughts 🫶🏼


Thank you xo


Regular Contributor

Re: Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour

Hi Bekbek,


I am so sorry this has happened to you.  Especially waiting through December,  January and February and now we are almost halfway through March.  I think the waiting time and uncertainty are they hardest things to get through and this must have been really hard on you, especially over Christmas.


Do you know which hospital you are waiting on?  Will you be a public or private patient?  I would ring the rooms of your specialist and speak to the Administration staff and just query what is happening and point out that you've been waiting for news since December, 2023.  Just be calm and precise, you're not saying this is her fault or the surgeon's fault.  You would just like an update as you are extremely anxious about the waiting time.


Am sure they will understand and perhaps find out more details and ring you back with hopefully some news.  Good luck.

New Contributor

Re: Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour

Thank you for your kind reply! 
I am waiting on Princess Alexandra in Brisbane, so public. I’ve spoken to the lovely admin team there but unfortunately they don’t know much more until the Surgeons team arrange the date. 

Thank you again for your thoughtful message! 


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