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Hi all. I've just gotten confirmed results from two biopsies that a mass in my pelvic bone is osteosarcoma. I've already spoken with my surgeon who strongly recommends full excision. Chemo and radiation therapy would not do anything at this stage. I never thought t...Read More
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Hi Everyone I'm so sorry to be posting in a diagnosed forum when I have not yet received a diagnosis- but I need some advice on receiving appropriate testing and treatment. I have read so many stories of women being brushed off and receiving limited follow up whic...Read More
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Gday from Queensland, Im battling stage IV Triple Negative Breast Cancer for 1 year now. Started chemo in September 2022, then radiation therapy in July 2023 for 6 wks and November 2023 had 2 rounds of Doxorubicin, which sadly I reacted badly to it. There are days ...Read More
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Cancer in the liver can be either a primary or secondary cancer. Primary liver cancer is cancer that starts in the liver, and the most common type in adults is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Secondary liver cancer is cancer that started in another part of the body...Read More
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Hello All.Thanks for lending me your listening ears.I had non-hodgkins lymphoma at 12 years of age - treated with chemo and radiation to head and upper body.Recently nearly died from an enormous brain tumour, atypical meningioma, 35 years after radiation exposure. ...Read More
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Hi everyone!I didn’t really expect I would ever join a forum like this, but here I am. I hope you’re all doing okay today.My (23F) beautiful twin sister (23F) found out she has early skin cancer. She had it cut out but it’s still there, and now she has started trea...Read More
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Cancer can affect anyone, but the experience can be different for different people. For lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex (LGBTQI+) people, discrimination and barriers to care can add to the stress of a cancer diagnosis and having treatment. For inf...Read More
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Cancer doesn't run in my family and I have had no problems that led me to ADENOCARCINOMA. What are your thoughts that getting the covid shots (which change DNA) may have caused this?
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I have Bladder cancer Stage 2 Muscle Invasive. I will be 74 years old on March 17. Had blood in urine day after Thanksgiving. Went to Urgent care and then my primary who order cystoscopy. Cystoscopy found a tumor blocking left ureter. TURBT was ordered and fou...Read More
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Hey friends I know I have been missing in action for awhile. I had to back away from all the cancer groups I belong to because of all the negatively and name calling. I never experienced in this group but decided that I would avoid all groups. Afew of you that are ...Read More