Recent Diagnosis

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Recent Diagnosis

Hi there. I've recently been diagnosed with a non-functioning islet cell tumour of the pancreas. I have never been so scared in all my life! It's only small, but I have since found out it is very rare, and nothing can really be done til it's bigger?? Apparently. The tumour is under 2cm, but it's there! Is there anyone who can help me with this? I can't seem to find the right answers, I guess, because I'm so new to this and need to look further, and in the right places. I was told to "go away and lose some weight and come back in six months and we'll see what is happening"!!! What if this thing spreads within those 6 months? What if it already has? I don't feel right. I also have an adrenal tumour, and a bulky adrenal gland. What does this mean? I am due to go for a second opinion very soon, but the uncertainty and anxiety of not knowing is driving me insane. I would be ever so grateful if I could chat to anyone who is experiencing similar anxiety, or who has answers, or just to share some notes. . . about this pancreatic NET. I have told my extended family of the potential of this situation, and everyone has run a mile! Sadly, I have begun to isolate myself further. On a positive note, it's great to find out why I have been 'acting' differently. I have sooo many questions. I would also like to say I am so happy to have found this website, and forum. It has proven that there are many beautiful, kind, and generous people out there. I have read some wonderful, inspirational strong stories, and I have read of those, too, that have been unfortunate to have been laden with such a heavy burden. Please know that each time I read of the heartache and pain of the patient, friend, family or other, I hold each and every one of you in my thoughts and prayers.
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Re: Recent Diagnosis

I'm not sure about this.
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Re: Recent Diagnosis

Hi Blacbeth, I'm glad you posted. What you're going through is so huge and scary it's really good that you reached out. Unfortunately, the 'running a mile' that your family did is not uncommon (although it is really hurtful)-most people who have been diagnosed experience something similar. There's different reasons for it- some people just don't know how to handle the news, or can't face the tough reality. It's definitely not a comment on you, though. Keep posting, we're here for you. love Emily. x
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New Contributor

Re: Recent Diagnosis

Hi Emily, Thank you so much for your kind words... My family are the type of people that get scared, too! Them running from the news is a coping mechanism, I guess. I would've loved to have run myself!! They'll be there for me, when they're ready. I look forward to continuous posts. Bethany xxx
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