Recently diagnosed.

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Recently diagnosed.

Hello there. I was diagnosed with colon cancer approximately one week ago. My mom cried; my sister cried; I was numb. I’m unsure as to how I should feel. Sometimes, I think to myself, “I have cancer. OK. No big deal.” Other times, I doubt this is a reality. I feel as though I’m having an out-of-body experience - as if I’m watching a movie of someone else’s life. How do I go about completely accepting my diagnosis? Any help is appreciated. Thank you for reading. GOD bless you.

Occasional Contributor

Re: Recently diagnosed.

Hello there, I know exactly what you mean and I guess most other people will too. It's such a terrible shock that you just cannot even believe it at first.

I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago, and I'm 1 week post op for head & neck cancer and I still cannot believe it. I think as time goes by it will just sink in and we will just live with it especially with appointment/meds/scans etc becoming a 'normal' part of our lives.

So sorry you have joined this club, a club I never, ever thought I'd be in but then it happens to 1 in 3 people so why not me/us? It is so random but I guess it's something we never plan for, is it?

Take care and wishing you all the best on this life journey. x

Regular Contributor

Re: Recently diagnosed.

Shock takes a while to recover from.  It will slowly become your reality.  I found the worst thing to be the fear of the surgery as the surgeon said it would be brutal as the salivary gland had to be cut out from the mouth and the neck.  When I arrived for surgery instead to jumping off a cliff, staff were very quick and professional. One minute I'm standing up and the next minute I'm out of it.  Exactly what I needed before I passed out from anxiety.  I learned to trust in the professionals and just have faith in their expertise.  Tumour was taken out with clear margins and here I am five years later.  The biggest hurdle is fear.  My daughter told me something that helped me.  It will be over by lunch time or dinner time.  You will find your way and I think colon cancer has a really good recovery rate.  I wish you the best doctors, nurses, surgeons and anaesthetists to get you through it.

Occasional Contributor

Re: Recently diagnosed.

Thanks so much for sharing this.


I was diagnosed just before Christmas and this is exactly how I feel (though I haven’t been able to articulate it as eloquently as you have). The people around me are emotional and I’m just numb. I feel useless and unsure about what is going to happen. I feel like the team around me has a clear plan and they’re working towards surgery but I’m so uncertain about what lies ahead. 

I know this is their expertise and commonplace as part of their work but this is my first time. I have so many questions!!

Occasional Contributor

Re: Recently diagnosed.

You will be uncertain as it's something you have never experienced before but they are the experts and know what they are doing. Place your trust in them, you can do this. xx

Occasional Contributor

Re: Recently diagnosed.

How are you going now? x

Occasional Contributor

Re: Recently diagnosed.

Hi, I know how that feels and I can relate. I was diagnosed with endometrial and breast cancer within the last 3 weeks. I kind of feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. I’m sorry for anyone that has to go thru this. I too go in and out and am stunned when I realize I have cancer. Best to you.

Occasional Contributor

Re: Recently diagnosed.

Hi I was diagnosed with breast cancer a week ago.  I know exactly how you feel - I feel "everything will be fine" one minute and now I'm worried because my head and neck hurt and I'm immediately thinking, has this thing metastasised?  I too feel like I'm having an out of body experience and this isn't quite real  It's really scary - I try to down play how I feel with family and friends as I don't want them to get upset    I just heard Princess Catherine talk about her diagnosis and my heart aches for her too.   It isn't easy for any of us -  I can only wish you all the very very best with your treatment.  Please take care of yourself, surround yourself with those you love.  Virtual big hug from me X

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