Hi Nat,
I do not understand the results of your ultrasound, but I think you should sit down with your GP and have them explain it all to you in words that you understand if you can't get in to see your Gyno for three weeks.
Your Gyno is just being thorough and ticking off all the boxes, hence the ultrasound and blood tests. Remember, they have not mentioned the big scary words beginning with L (lymphoma) or C (carcinoma) yet because they are still gathering information. You may yet be told that all you need is a D & C to clear things up a bit because of the fibroids.
The blood test may have been done because of the fibroid because these can be sometimes be cancerous.
I was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer in July 2011 (adenocarcenoma). I did not have any symptoms at the time. It was only because I was seriously ill with another condition that my cancer was picked up at all.
Please try to relax and don't over analyse things based upon the ladies at the pathology centre telling you the blood test were for cancer indicators. You may be working yourself up over nothing.
Wait until you see your Gyno again, when they have all the information in front of them and can give you a proper diagnosis. Then you will know if anything is wrong or if things will be ok.
I wish you all the best with your results, and please, take it easy on yourself and try not to focus on th scary stuff at the moment. It may not be warranted.
The Rowan.