partial lung removal

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partial lung removal



A month ago I was told I had a spiculated lesion on my upper right lung picked up randomly on a CT scan. After this, I was sent for another CT scan & a PET scan. Both lighting up that there was a nodule/lesion that looked like cancer.


I was sent to Fiona Stanley (WA) to have a combine EBUS (Bronchoscopy) of my right lung.  I was told I have some emphysema as well in this lung. The following results were: 


EBUS FNA lymph node x 3 - negative for malignancy (cytopathology report)

Right upper lobe nodule brushing - negative for malignancy

Right upper lobe nodule cryobiopsy -  suggests poorly formed non-necrotising granulomas.


This is another language to me! So I saw my Respiratory specialist - he was not happy. He said - the nodule looks malignant and the EBUS are not accurate generally.


He is taking my results to a meeting on Wednesday at the hospital to decide what to do with the original nodule that was noted.


He has told me that regardless, I need to have my right upper lobe removed. This way they can accurately test/biopsy the odd nodule. He said I would be in hospital for a week. I was also told many people have part of their lung removed and live a healthy normal life. So essentially I have to have part of my lung removed, regardless if it is malignant or not.


Im 64, my respiratory test said Im great with breathing etc. I must decide to have my upper right lung removed. The consequences may be that if I wait, and it is cancer, that it may spread to other parts of my body.


This is a huge decision. I am so confused. I asked for another Biopsy, but was told it may probably not give better results.


Is this normal????? Please help me understand this.lung with nodule.png


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Re: partial lung removal

Hi @Hevins60


I am very sorry to hear what you are experiencing and how hard it must be. 


I hope that your medical team are able to offer some more insight after their meeting today. 


Your medical team will be best placed to support you with this decision. I wonder if you have a local GP that could be a good person to discuss the difficulty of making this hard decision? 


Please feel free to reach out to our Cancer Information and Support Line on 13 11 20 for information and support. 


Kind regards,


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Re: partial lung removal


It sounds like you’re dealing with a lot right now. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Tests Results: Your scans suggested the nodule might be cancerous. The EBUS didn’t show cancer, but it can be inaccurate.

  2. Doctor’s Advice: Your doctor recommends removing the upper right lobe of your lung to get a clear diagnosis and prevent possible cancer spread. Try Cytoxan (

  3. Is It Normal?: Yes, it’s normal to need surgery if other tests are inconclusive. It’s a big decision, but it’s often necessary for a precise diagnosis.

Next Steps:

  • Consider getting a second opinion.
  • Ask your doctor more questions about why surgery is needed.
  • Lean on your support system for help.

Hope this helps clarify things a bit.

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