prostate cancer

Occasional Contributor

prostate cancer

Hello. I am now unfortunately part of this forum and am hoping I can communicate with men who are dealing with or have been through prostate cancer. I have been diagnosed with localised T3b and a Gleason score of 7. I am in a state of disbelief, not because I have cancer, but because I have been seeing a Urologist annually for 25 years with a regular DRE and PSA test for the last 15 years so cannot believe it wasn't detected earlier. My only symptom was a slowly rising PSA which went from 4.5 in 2014 to 6.3 this year. Needless to say I cannot help but feel I have been let down! I have been offered three types of treatment, surgery or two types of radiation. I am leaning towards surgery because it is an option I may not have in the near future. I am fully aware of the implications of surgery with regards to my future but I have a very strong marriage of 45 years and a very strong and understanding wife who I have included in my journey so far and will continue to do so.
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