stomach cancer, spread to Lymph nodes

Occasional Contributor

stomach cancer, spread to Lymph nodes

Hi, mum just got diagnosed for stomach cancer. Shes nearly 70 years old and they said they cannot operate, so sending to hospital for chemo. We dont want her to go through chemo- and trying to fight it with Integrative medicine. has anyone tried other ways to stop the cancer cells from spreading? any advice on this will be great. thanks


Re: stomach cancer, spread to Lymph nodes

Hi @brenda2020 ,

I'm sorry to hear about your mother's diagnosis! There are so many treatment options available to treat stomach cancer other than surgery and chemotherapy including radiation therapy, Immunotherapy, Targeted therapy, etc. 

Gerson Therapy can also be used to treat cancer in some cases. In this therapy, patients can only consume organic vegetables, fruits, and sprouted ancient grains. Also, patients are advised to take certain supplements, perform coffee enemas, drink raw juice, and eat beef liver, as it is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and contains high traces of vitamin B-12. You can consult with your mum's doctor regarding the best option to treat your mother. 

I hope your mother can feel somewhat better, take care of her and yourself too.

Best of luck!

Occasional Contributor

Re: stomach cancer, spread to Lymph nodes

thank you:) we are trying to eat all organic, and the dr which does Integrative Medicine has prescribed a few different medicine, like bioceuticals... looks like we may be taking the chemo approach.. but together with the natural herbs hopefully.. i think mental health plays a big part with the healing process. just trying to stay positive, and accept this as a short journey, then HOPEFULLY things will get back to normal (even if not exactly the same. at least no pain..)

Regular Contributor

Re: stomach cancer, spread to Lymph nodes

Really sorry to hear your mum's diagnosis Brenda.  Most be terribly hard at 70 years to go through this.  I have a 30 year old friend going through the same thing.  She had chemotherapy first before they would do any surgery.  She made it through that but was very sick.  Mental health is critical and you need to find things that will lift your mother's spirits.  Photos, music, short walks, talking over old memories are good.  Whatever makes her feel loved and good are really important.  New pjs and a comfortable dressing gown help.  Nice slippers or ugg boots are excellent comforters too.  Perfume - she can spray and tell herself she is loved is good too.  Hand massages.  Just having you with her on this journey will help enormously.  It's a terrible time to be enduring this but wish you every success in getting through this with your Mum.  Please stay in touch and let us now how it is going.

Occasional Contributor

Re: stomach cancer, spread to Lymph nodes

Thank you for the advise Lampwork. Looks like we are going to go through chemo in 2 weeks time...(2 different doctors advised this is the best way to give a longer life). The cancer has hardened her stomach making it harder for the digest ANYTHING write now. im buying organic and shes just having soft fruit, veggies and soup. She lost 10 kilos...  The portacath was installed, so waiting for that to heal, before our treatment start. im going to speak to Mum about talking to a psychologist, as that may help. i cant see it, as shes hiding it, but like you say her mental state must be bad right now! im going through so much stress about it that i cant imagine how it must be for her... I hope she gets through it ok...

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