3 really good reasons why jumping into Exercise during winter is soo good!

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3 really good reasons why jumping into Exercise during winter is soo good!



Winter is here and it’s starting to get cold and when it is cold it is harder to stay motivated around your health and fitness.


However now more than ever it is important to exercise.


During winter time exercise can provide many great benefits...


1. Exercise outside: The sun is your friend

  • During the winter month’s people often hibernate inside and as a result they miss out on getting enough sunlight which results in Vitamin D deficiencies.
  • Sunshine provides us with Vitamin D and helps to keep our bones and immune system strong. It also boosts positivity, and helps prevent some cancers.

2. Exercise and cancer: Recent research suggests that exercise benefits most people both during and after cancer treatment. It can:

  • Help manage some of the common side effects of treatment
  • Speed up your return to your usual activities
  • Improve your quality of life

For more information click here.


3. Helps maintain a healthy weight: Exercising helps to maintain a healthy body weight. Research shows that maintaining a healthy body weight reduces our risk of cancer and also prevents cancer recurrence.  Click here for more information.


Need motivation? Then check out our Healthy Living after Cancer FREE Health Coaching program: Healthy Living after Cancer

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