Exercise and Cancer

Occasional Contributor

Exercise and Cancer



Hi everyone,


As you may be aware, exercise is great for not only our physical health but our mental health as well. With most of us at home and staying safe, I wanted to introduce (or re-introduce) some fantastic resources that are available to us all. 


If you have found something that works well for you, pop it in the comments below. Let's share some ideas for incorporating exercise into our lives. Whether you're trying something new or starting fresh, having a variety of avenues for exercise can help keeping things interesting. 


Note: Physical activity is generally safe. By starting a physical activity program, you are likely to

experience many benefits.

  • Before commencing any exercise program consult your doctor.
  • Start slowly and gradually increase your activity.
  • Expect soreness when you first start any physical activity. This is normal and will go away in a few days as you continue to be active.

Stop being physically active and promptly notify your doctor if you experience any of the

following symptoms:

  • pain, pressure, heaviness or tightness in your chest or pain down your arms
  • severe shortness of breath
  • irregular, rapid or fluttery heartbeat
  • dizziness or fainting
  • nausea and/or vomiting
  • extreme or unusual tiredness or weakness.


A great place to start is Cancer Council's exercise and cancer website: https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/get-support/exercise-and-cancer/


If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will find a range of simple exercise videos to get you started and feeling comfortable with techniques. 


Exercise Right have also put together some fantastic videos to try at home (click to see): https://exerciseright.com.au/homeworkouts/


We also did a webinar specifically around exercise and cancer, which you can view by clicking here:

exercise webinar.PNG


The American College of Sports Medicine has compiled a fantastic one-pager about the Effects of Exercise on Health-Related Outcomes in Those with Cancer.


If you have any tips or tricks that you have found helpful in incorporating exercise into your day, please share them here,


The Survivorship Team


exercise at home.jpg


Super Contributor

Re: Exercise and Cancer

Hi KatieT,

This sort of information couldn't be more important than at a time like this.

Thank you for putting this up.



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