
Occasional Contributor


I would like to talk with people who have gone through this treatment for metastatic melanoma. It has been a year since treatments, and still get run down! I need a nap right after breakfast, mid afternoon, and after supper forget it. I am worthless then! In the meantime, I help mom with house work and yard work, however I have to be careful in the sun and heat! I got cancer from the sun, and when I had a job, I got heat exhaustion. I am also helping with dad. He had esophageal cancer. Dad and I are both cancer free now. However dad's surgery took a lot out of him. The radiation affected his lungs. Mom is the glue that holds us together! Sometimes I try to do too much and I run down sooner. We love each other dearly, and we all worry about each other. Sometimes it all gets to be too much for us, and need a total meltdown!

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Keytruda

I had keytruda for two kicked the cancer, but now I have a bit of brain damage from it (should have stopped it after 2 yrs) balance issues, cognitive.......the tiredness slowly gets better,but I am not probably a very good example.

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