Long term outlook for testicular cancer survivor

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Long term outlook for testicular cancer survivor

I was hoping someone can help. I am a survivor of testicular cancer for around 20 years now. However it 2006 I was diagnosed with a tumor on my kidney that has since been removed. I have 2 enlarged lymph nodes at the base of my neck that are being monitored by a specialist on a 3 month basis. I wanted to know if there was a specialist out there who could give me perhaps a second opinon. I have a young family and certainly want to see them group up.
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Long term outlook for testicular cancer survivor

Hi there, I am not a Specialist but I know if I was you I would get a second opinion.  It would be a good idea for your own peace of mind to tell your Specialist about your concerns & ask him if he can investigate & if not go and see someone else. Im a mum of 2 & I can understand why you are worried. Chances are if they are happy to leave them be then all will be okay. But I know if it was me I would want it seen to straight away. I hope that helps & I hope you get a good outcome. To be a survivor twice is just amazing, well done. Let us know how you go. Take care
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Long term outlook for testicular cancer survivor

Hello Alkis65,I spoke with the HelpLine people and they say they can recommend you certain treatment centres based on the area where you live. it could also be a good idea to chat to a clinical care coordinator that could provide names and details.In any case they would be happy for you to contact them at any time or they coud call you or email you.In either way if you have any question of want to follow through with any of this options feel free to email me on raulc@nswcc.org.au Best wishes, Totocol(Raul)
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