PET Scan results

Occasional Contributor

PET Scan results

Have had one immunotherapy infusion prior to PET Scan availability.

And now have had PET Scan.
Have just received text saying the scan results are available online.  But I’m too  apprehensive to check them out. I do have a counsellor appt next week. Should i open the results prior to my  counselling appt? Or wait til i see my gp and oncologist the following week?

Super Contributor

Re: PET Scan results

Hi Carffald

if there is bad news how do you think you would cope. Sometimes it is better to wait for confirmation from a person who we can then ask the relevant questions instead of your mind creating different scenarios than a written word and it’s different meanings,we are all different in our responses to medical news good luck which ever what you choose is best for yourself 


Occasional Contributor

Re: PET Scan results

I have a regular PET scan after four sessions of immunotherapy - I have the therapy every three weeks. I always wait until my regular appointment with the oncologist to hear/see the results of the PET scan and take a family member with me for support. That way I can ask questions and so can whoever is with me. They can then write up the results of the discussion so that other family members have some clarity about what is happening.  I was alone when I first got the diagnosis that I had stage 4 lung cancer - and that was such a shock to hear  as it seemed to come out of nowhere. So if you feel you can wait for your appointment to learn your results, and ask questions about what they mean and possible treatment it might come a little easier - though it is always stressful. But wishing you all the very best for your results - whatever you decide to do.        

Occasional Contributor

Re: PET Scan results

Think thats what ill do. Thank you. 

Occasional Contributor

Re: PET Scan results

Thank you. I will wait for the appt with the oncologist.. and have my questions ready. 

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