Peripheral neuropathy

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Peripheral neuropathy

2 years since my Chemo for non hodgkin's lymphoma .

Firstly i was  just relieved to be alive , But now i still have symptoms for Peripheral neuropathy my hands and feet are affected, pins and needles especially at night time, i've tried talking to the doctors but nothing has worked. Has anyone found something to help anything natural perhaps.

The drugs the doctor gave me made me depressed so i stopped taking them and now i just live with the pain,  but it's hard I don't feel like the same person after the cancer im tired and in pain often cant sleep.


while I had the cancer I was fit and healthy didn't even know i had it, obviously i'm pleased they found it but i would like my old life back or is that too much to ask for. 


Does anyone else have the same symptoms and found a way to deal with it.


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Re: Peripheral neuropathy

Hi @catherine144

I'm a number of years post treatment and I still have some peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet.

I never really found any medical treatment that worked for me.

What has worked for me is to try and remain as physically active as I have time for.  I try go for a run or a hike at least a few times a week.

Over the years the symptoms have eased. Whether that is due to the exercise or just the symptoms easing over time I'm not sure.



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Re: Peripheral neuropathy

Hi @catherine144 ,


 I too am well down the path following treatment. My main PN symptoms are tingling in the fingers, intolerance to cold on my hands and a burning itch all over my feet at night. 

I am fairly successful at ignoring the tingling fingers, wearing gloves in the cold mostly works, but the feet is a big problem. My feet used to wake me up in the middle of the night and I would go for walks in an attempt to get them settled down. This rarely worked an so I went looking for other approaches.


 I now wear thick socks to beg each night. I find that this stops my feet from getting stimulated from rubbing against the bed sheets. But there are still nights when I have to restrain myself from scratching my feet because once I start there is no end to it. A matter of mind over mind - aka won’t-power. “I must not scratch, I must not scratch, I must not scratch…” until I eventually fall asleep.

The other important factor to avoid the burning itch in my feet is to avoid walking anywhere without firm-soled shoes. I sometimes forget and chase off unwanted wildlife in the garden with only socks on. Big mistake. Stones poke into the bottom of my feet and I regret it for the next hour or so.


Good luck with finding a solution that works for you. 

Big hugs to all,


Super Contributor

Re: Peripheral neuropathy



Actually, there's a Cancer Council video on this topic, which includes neuropathy.


Best of luck,


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New Contributor

Re: Peripheral neuropathy


Sorry to hear you are suffering I would like to offer you advice Google watch all his videos this might point you in right direction thank you Barry.
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Re: Peripheral neuropathy

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