Isn't that extraordinary jimf, that you cannot honestly take a responsible stand about your own body without being exiled.
Yes of course you might have decided to let the cancer run its course, and why not? You know what you are doing and your decision is perfectly acceptable.
You don't HAVE to follow their advice. Of course, you have taken the power to dominate your life out of their hands - so of course they 'wash their hands of you.'
Of course you could do that 'awful thing' and die! Well what's so wrong with that? Who wants to keep going with cancer when you get to a certain point and begin to think that your life is totally taken over by the condition and nothing has any value.
Why are people so afraid?
I remember my surgeon saying to me "Well of course you will be feeling depressed, you have just faced dying." HUH? Well I didn't bother telling him, but it wasn't the first time, and no doubt won't be the last.
Well you really are not on your own, and coming here, as you do, you will find people who understand you and your decisions without question.
I had a very dear friend who was terminally ill after she was infected with internal Golden Staph in her lower spine when having a knee operation. There was no treatment other than ongoing antibiotics that the Staph keeps overcoming and, while at first her six children paid her some attention, as time went on, she was ill for ten years, they believed she was 'attention seeking'.
No one realises one can be ill for years, it can take years for a condition like Golden Staph or cancer to finally kill, but people don't want to know, they think you are 'making a fuss over nothing'.
There is no accounting for the human race 😞