I absolutely agree Sarah, we are meant to question this thing called 'life' and what it means.
I sometimes think that the world around us is working hard at trying to distract us from this question, hence the massive amount of sports, politics, religion, TV, radio, loud music, more and more 'things' one has to have and more and more shops - things to distract. The world truly works very hard at making us numb and dumb to what it is really all about.
Of course, one can choose not to know, that that's fine, but when you are put in a position like you describe then that is the only course you can take because all distractions are ripped away and you are faced with the deeper questions.
A child asks "Who am I? How did I get here?" and usually there are parents to answer but no one is there to answer the big question - "Who are WE? and how did WE get here?" and I believe we have an inherited right to know.
Fortunately there are plenty of hypothesis around and we can grab on to them if we find the water to deep, but really, if you are a logical thinking person, do you really want those fragile rafts?
Now it would seem that cancer is one of the few things that will make us stop and consider the deeper things in life outside the glitter and gloss, and I think that is good.
I have had reason to seek deeply for years for answers to these questions and, of course I haven't found the right answers yet, but my word I have learned a lot and maybe that is the big thing - to learn.
I do know that I will keep on reading and thinking and hoping to meet people like you who also question and one day, you never know we might find the real reason for it all - it could happen 🙂