Treat your body like a garden


Treat your body like a garden

Hi everyone, We talk about this in the Living Well after Cancer workshops and would like to share with you,...minus the wonderful photos! Living your life well includes making choices and acting on them,   Enjoy, anniem TREAT YOUR BODY LIKE A GARDEN It requires regular nurturing and attention Feed and water it with healthy life sustaining food and exercise Weed it regularly. Be aware of and remove unhelpful thoughts, fears and behaviours Enjoy it in the company of good friends, interesting and/or fun and/or meaningful activities Dont allow people to trample on it ! Give it time to rest and recuperate Accept that your garden will change through time and you will need to adjust your choices and actions in line with that
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Treat your body like a garden

Hi Anniem I like that!  And like a garden it responds to attention and pampering, so don't forget to pamper your garden.  Chocolate is a favourite fertiliser, but you have to be careful to not use too much. (23 June) I might add this as well (edited 1 July) that I have recently been doing some reading about epigenetics.  Epigenetics is about how genes can be turned on or off by how we treat our bodies and the enviromental stresses we are exposed to.  So cancer causing genes can be turned on and tumor suppressing genes can be turned off.  I am in remission and do not want to relapse, so this is at the front of my mind and life at the moment - "what things am I in control off that I can change that will increase my chances of continual survival and decrease my chances of relape?".  I have to learn to garden again and grow a green thumb.
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Occasional Contributor

Treat your body like a garden

Hi Annie Thank you for sharing this - is it okay to use this in my support group?  I am sure there are some people there who would really appreciate this information. Take care Lyn
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Treat your body like a garden

Hi Lyn, Please share this with anyone. Its such a good thing to remember for us all,   Cheers,   anniem
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Treat your body like a garden

I love this, thank you so much for posting it. I am a 18month survivor of breast cancer and have handled it well until recently. A friend of mine had her husband diagnosed with terminal (they've given him 12months) cancer of the oesophogus.. She seems to have thrown in the towel on him, they're selling up, settling her into a smaller home, selling off loads of posessions..ive been so upset over it, i feel like she is burying him before he is dead. i realise people are different but this has been stressing me so much. Since reading your post i realise i need to let go of HER problems, and look after my own garden, thank you
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New Contributor

Re: Treat your body like a garden

Hi there yes its interesting thread. Its easy for our bodys to become infected from bugs in the air like gardens do. So play safe and stay away from possible bug infections is a must for our bodys during and after treatments. It is good to allow oneself some dark chocky for its antioxidants,with black tea or herbal teas are good and plenty of water to keep the moisture flowing smoothly through the vains and flushing out all the toxic waste that the treatment leaves in the system. eat plenty of fruits to loosen the soils. And plenty of vegies for nutrients. Red meat for protien and strength Silver beat for ion. Mark.....
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