What survivorship looks like for me: Captain Australia's BIG WALK

Super Contributor

Re: What survivorship looks like for me: Captain Australia's BIG WALK

Hey Suzi - thanks so much for your kind words.


I think it is really easy to let cancer's relentless attack grind you down - and when it's happening, it's like depression, it's hard to see the way out, hard to see any light.  


But push through, 100% it can and does get better.  Congratulations on beating cancer, I hope your recovery phase is shorter and better/less work than mine has been 🙂

Super Contributor

Re: What survivorship looks like for me: Captain Australia's BIG WALK

Hey Hey - I just wanted to share this story done by Channel 10's "The Project", I thought that people struggling with cancer might find it a source of hope.  (Plus I just think it's weird, funny, defies expectations and norms, and in that - it kinda defies cancer:   https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=283341400051472)


Valued Contributor

Re: What survivorship looks like for me: Captain Australia's BIG WALK

Hey @CaptainAustrali, how did your walk go? Maybe you're still on it?

Haven't heard much from you in a while. Hope everything is well for you.


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Re: What survivorship looks like for me: Captain Australia's BIG WALK

Im in that dark place at the moment and your story is what I needed Thankyou!

Super Contributor

Re: What survivorship looks like for me: Captain Australia's BIG WALK

Youre very welcome.


I completed my walk - it took 84 days, and in the first grueling weeks, I was able to process a lot of grief, fear, pain - even from before cancer - and leave it on the beach.  I now don't think about cancer much at all, at least as it relates to me - although I did meet a bunch of people on the road impacted by the disease.


A broken life CAN be fixed. 


And we, none of us, know how long we have left, or what lies ahead - whether you have cancer or not, life is full of potential and should therefore always contain an element of hope.


I lost mine - but I won it back.


You can too.


The reunion with my family on the 84th day was a sublime moment, something I'll carry with me for the rest of my days.  If cancer had it's way, I'd have been dead in early 2017.  


Good luck.

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