HNPCC (Hereditary Non Polyposis Colon Cancer)

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Re: HNPCC (Hereditary Non Polyposis Colon Cancer)

Hi all, Just found this thread. After I finished treatment in April 2008, I saw a genetic counsellor at St George (Sydney). She took a family history as both my parents had bowel tumours (Dad malignant, Mum benign) but neither needed treatment other than surgery. My maternal uncle also had it. I provided her with a complex family history but haven't heard back from here. (THis was about September 2008, I think.) she didn't think that mine was, ironically, a genetic cancer as the markers indicated differently. Perhaps I should try to contact her again to follow it up. One thing that my GP commented on regarding kids was that if they are told they carry the gene, they can't be insured. He advised to not tell them if you have it and just ensure that the colonoscopies etc are carried out regularly. My family all have regular colonoscopies. Mine was clear 2 years before all went pear shaped and have been clear ever since. My surgeon calls me the family anomoly as I am the only one who has never had polyps!! Hence probably not heriditary. Samex
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