Medication and supplements

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Medication and supplements

Well, my partner's gone and I have some left over medications (unopen) and a truck load of supplements that he bought both opened and unopen. I haven't gone through all of them yet but I don't think I'm going to take or keep all of them. Just thought someone may want them or there is some where I can donate rather than putting them in the bin. Can anyone suggest what I should do?
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Re: Medication and supplements

Hi Peanutz, You should not bin any of the medications. Please take them to your local chemist to be disposed of properly (at least the opened packets anyway). You never know who may find them in your rubbish, or what some people may do with things. Your heart is in the right place, not wanting the unopened packets to be wasted, however, health regulations will prevent any medical facility from accepting your kind offer. I'm sorry to put a dampener on things for you. Regards, Rowan
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