Oesophageal / esophageal stage IV in remission

Occasional Contributor

Re: Oesophageal / esophageal stage IV in remission

Great news to hear. I was diagnosed as Stage IV Oesophageal cancer in March this year. It is great to hear a positive story especially from another Stage IV person. Gives me hope. My last scan had shown no progress in the disease, which has metastasised to my liver and my spine. The tumours in my liver may have reduced some but mot significantly at this stage.

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Oesophageal / esophageal stage IV in remission

Just realised I had commented on this before! Excited to see some positive news I guess. The chemo hasn't been too bad for me overall. I still have all my hair and don't feel nauseous. The worst is the metallic taste in my mouth which is making food unappetising.
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