Reaching milestones we never thought I'd see


Reaching milestones we never thought I'd see

Well tomorrow is the first day of school for my 2nd child. This is such an exciting time. 18 months ago I was given approx 6 months to live. I always knew I'd see this day, but of course there is always that small...miniture....tiny little bit of doubt with this horrid disease when it is "terminal" and you are told you won't be here for these things. I have also been able to see my baby walk, talk and now he is doing puzzles and lots of clever things for a little 2 year old 🐵 My eldest goes into grade 2 and over the holidays I taught him how to ride a boggy board! Next hols its horse riding! I would love to share and hear about other people's dreams that have become reality that you may never have thought possible. I still pray everyday that I will get to see my baby off to school...even high school would be nice 🐵 Cheers Michele
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Reaching milestones we never thought I'd see

Hello Michele. Keep aiming for those dreams. Hope everything went well for first day at school, what an exciting day for everyone.  
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