Scaevola Spinescens - or Maroon Bush

Occasional Contributor

Scaevola Spinescens - or Maroon Bush

It seems that there are several native bushes used as medicine plants. The Scaevola Spinescens is known by several different names. Another one is a member of the Willow family; I was told about it by a friend who lived in the outback and used it, but not as a cancer treatment. Here is a link to the Maroon Bush, I have a good supply of this and drink it regularly but would never rely on it to cure a cancer. Eliza.
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Re: Scaevola Spinescens - or Maroon Bush

Hi Eliza, Thanks for sharing this information about Maroon Bush (scaevola spinescenes). An excellent evidence-based resource for information on Maroon Bush and a wide range of other non-mainstream medications and treatments can be found here: Kind regards, Felix Cancer Connections Team
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Re: Scaevola Spinescens - or Maroon Bush

Hi Eliza,

I am today looking up where to buy this Marron Bush - (Scaebolafinescenes) which is supposed to come in a tablet or as drops. I only just found out yesterday that a friends of mines friend was diagnosed with Lung cancer and was told he had 3 months to live, he somehow got onto this Maroon Bush and started taking it, he then had an appointment with his doctor again to have an MRI, and the doctor said to him, 

"what have you been doing", the guy said, why, what have I been doing", the doctor said the tumour had gone, and has not returned, this is from taking this Maroon Bush. So do you sell it in tablet form etc, or just the bush?


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