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need to talk

hello every one, i have been diagnosed with cancer of the vulva,have had 3 operations to date and now its spread internally,have to go back hospital soon for more surgery,and im having hard time dealing with it ,,, is there anyone whos had this disease of the vulva which has now spread to my bartholin glands ? im told its very rare ? any info appreiciated ,,,lizzie
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need to talk

Dear Lizzie, Cancer is just horrible and I am so sad that you are going thru what you  are  having to go thru.  I don't have  the same cancer as you but mine is rare (anal) and so far  I haven't been able to track down any one with in the same situation in Australia.  I think having someone who knows exactly what you are going thru is priceless. The best I have been able to do is a web site called "rare cancer alliance" in the US and although not perfect it has been such a great help with the "what if's", the "why's" and the "what is going to happen next". I hope it helps and I am thinking of you.Best wishesSharon   
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